

Planting Essentials

Creating a visually stunning garden requires a deep understanding of the plants’ characteristics and how they interact within the landscape. Here’s how to consider each trait for a balanced and beautiful garden:

  • Habit: Plants can be climbers, spreaders, or clumpers. Climbers add vertical interest, spreaders fill the ground plane, and clumpers provide focal points.
  • Structure: The garden’s visual appeal is enhanced by plants of various structures, including narrow uprights for height, low-growing carpets for ground coverage, mounded shapes for soft outlines, weeping forms for dramatic accents, and arching types for dynamic movement.
  • Texture: The texture varies significantly among plants, from the fine detail of needle leaves and thread leaves to the robust presence of broad leaves and succulents. Glossy and flat textures play with light and shadow, adding depth.
  • Color: Foliage color can be variegated or non-variegated, with some species offering seasonal color changes. This diversity allows for a tapestry of hues throughout the year.
  • Bloom: Understanding a plant’s bloom time, bloom length, character, and color is crucial. This knowledge enables gardeners to orchestrate a sequence of blooms, ensuring the garden remains lively and colorful across the seasons.

By carefully selecting plants that complement each other in habit, structure, texture, color, and bloom characteristics, gardeners can create a cohesive and engaging garden that offers interest throughout the year. This strategic approach not only maximizes the garden’s aesthetic appeal but also supports a harmonious ecosystem.

Some of our favorites


There are over 800 varieties of Hosta that do well here in the north east. They offer a nice broad leaf texture to the landscape and come in a wide variety of colors.

Ornamental Grass

There are about 50 grasses that do well here in the north east. Grasses offer a unique texture to the landscape, and they are maintenance free.

Black Eyed Susan

Black Eyed Susan have a very unique bloom and make quite a statement. They typically bloom during late summer.

Blue Spruce

Blue Spruce make an excellent focal point plant. They bring a blue/green needle texture that stands out against most other plant material.

Prairiefire Crabapple

This tree brings an intense spring bloom, followed by an attractive dark green/burgundy leaf. Trees are an excellent opportunity for up-lighting

Blue Lacecap Hydrangea

This plant is a smaller form of hydrangea, with a delicate lace cap over the typical ball bloom. Hydrangea bloom for almost 2 months.